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A new understanding of the timing of the Rapture, Being revealed the closer we get.

Writer's picture: RossRoss

I again have jumped the gun, without really knowing - I supposed the peace and safety being said (1 Thessalonians 5:3) being connected to the outcome of the war in Gaza. I am now seeing this differently. As we get closer to the timing of the rapture it seems more is being revealed as to the actual reason and purpose of those who are going to be saying peace and safety.

What was Paul talking about as he spoke to the Thessalonians? The rapture. More on this as we go.

At an all-time high, the persecution of Christians and even those that are not Christians but stand on the side of knowing right from wrong, claiming Christian-like morals and standards to govern.

Never before has this world been as upside down. We see what is right as being wrong and what we see as wrong being told to us is right. What is even more absurd we’re being barred from holding office in our government. (Trump) as an example. Not for or against Trump.

When people are chemically injected and surgically altered to blur the lines between a male and a female, how far can this go? Understanding Christians are being jailed for their beliefs, and, whatever happen to free speech?

People talk of a magnetic shift where south pole becomes North and North pole become south, physically this hasn't happened but as related to morals, standards, and decency the shift has taken place.

As a definition of the word harpazo is to understand, to remove from the way of danger quickly, what is faster than the timing of a twinkle of an eye, what greater danger can there be then those who understand and know the difference between right and wrong and won‘t accept liberal bias. Even being in danger of imprisonment for just speaking, talking about wanting fairness and equality in life.

To stop the further persecution of Christians would be if God was to protect them in such a way by removing them ending all persecution instantly by the rapture but would also stop the war in Gaza, leaving in for God to finish. Sudden destruction.

I am now seeing those that speak of peace and safety are those who will be left behind after the rapture of the Church, for all left behind will be saying, now we can go forward without this obstacle of Christian beliefs and morals in our way. After all isn't that really what they're trying to do, to create a society of immorality and those that won't accept this immorality, it must be forced upon them without any objection.

The son-of-perdition will be forcing countries to leave Israel alone, to stand down, all wars coming to a forced stop, a time they would be saying peace and safety. Where is the Church? When the son-of-perdition shows up, where is the Church? We know the Church is in heaven, read Revelation 13:6, here the son-of-perdition is cursing those in heaven, the Church.

To summarize, God will remove the true believers taking them out of the danger of this ongoing moral decay, right after that he will clear the way for Israel to build their Temple, the sudden destruction will accomplish this. Now, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction as Paul explained while talking about the rapture. The rapture takes on the meaning of could happen at any time, even before the war in Gaza ends and before, just before they are spouting Peace and safety. It only makes sense.

Gaza war could end with the rapture happening.

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Jeff Reid
Jeff Reid
May 24, 2024

Hello, Ross! Watching Israel and other world events has me strongly convinced that we are days or at most weeks away from the rapture event actually taking place. I believe that the Tribulation period begins this Fall, and I am looking at early October. Everything going on in the world right now just screams to me that we are extremely close to that glorious day when we meet our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of His glory to forever be with Him. Love and appreciate you, brother! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!


Laurie Nordin
Laurie Nordin
May 22, 2024

Hi Ross! i have been pondering this over and over and i believe i wrote a short response before either here on one of your recent blogs or a comment under video, but i am siding more with harpazo (a snatching from imminent danger!) and that could be like for example when the angels 'hurried' Lot and his family out of Sodom before fire & brimstone fell.

the enemy has a planned event in mind to destroy Israel and America, as they have repeatedly shouted 'death to Israel, death to America' in the streets for sometime now.

i still believe the 'peace & safety' is currently an underlying one being demonstrated around the world with all the protests on campus…


David Joseph Saker
David Joseph Saker
May 22, 2024

As we draw closer to the blessed hope (Rapture) it does appear that God id revealing what we need to know when we need to know it. He is allowing us to remember and study HIS words and the grace to believe what we need to believe and act on these end time events. It's time to clean up our lives and look up for our redemption draws very, very, very, near!!

Thank you, Ross!! God Speed!!

Karen White
Karen White
May 23, 2024
Replying to

I feel so too. Since uour beoadcast yesterday on the peace and safety then destruction in 1 Thes. 5 the Spirit seemed to scream ar me “this is right, we are that close”. It really makes sense thst perhaps the Rapture wouls happen amd then all fighting would cease for a time for the peace and security and also so we are not i. The middle of God’s wratch. It is our blessed hope. Than you for all you do brother.


Anna Rodriguez
Anna Rodriguez
May 22, 2024

Ross, do you think it is possible that the cries for 'Peace & Safety" will be connected to both the rapture and the chaos that ensues? That might be the "cue" for the son of perdition. I imagine that if an event like the rapture occurs it will be chaos on earth after. It will be on the news and all over social media. People will be afraid and there could be lots of commotion over what took place. Out of that aftermath the people could be demanding peace and safety. Tie that into the interruption of the Gaza war which would further escalate the cries for peace and safety (stabilize the region especially during chaos) which would be the…

May 23, 2024
Replying to

I really see how this would fit! Rapture, "peace and safety," TRIB!


MelanieAnn Shrives
MelanieAnn Shrives
May 22, 2024

I do relate to this theory as you have included the existence of Christianity and Christian’s .. as it’s Christians Paul is speaking to .. and they being (Jews and non believers). This idea is more preferred.

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