I have speculated that it won't be long before we're able to determine one of the two paths that Israel has to go down. Either Israel agrees to a cease-fire, truce and it is implemented, or Israel goes back to war against Hamas within the Gaza Strip. Either one of these could very easily end-up fulfilling a prophecy told by the apostle Paul. And that is; as the cease-fire is enacted they would be saying, finally peace and safety or at the end of the war, most would figure bringing about peace and safety.
I did also say there could be a third element to this that we haven't seen yet, meaning something else other than these two scenarios could happen.
Let's keep in mind that Paul wrote when they say peace and safety then a sudden destruction would come upon them. The sudden destruction meaning a time when God would step in and fulfill another prophecy seen by the prophet Asaph in Psalm 83.
As we keep a close eye on Israel, we see a war has started in the Gaza Strip, this leading us to believe the number two scenario that would be at the end of the war they would be saying peace and safety.
So now it becomes obvious that we, again need to be patient as this plays out. I have much more to say on the subject, or the matter at hand and will be reporting again very soon, if not first thing tomorrow morning.