President Biden's decision to visit Israel is bringing added pressures upon the Israeli government brought about by what the US sees as some very important issues.
Make no mistake, Biden visit is for the appeasement and benefit of the Palestinians in support of a two-state solution and an attempt to further the cause of the JCPOA, or Vienna talks.
Pres. Biden and his team will bring up the JCPOA, the Vienna talks. There at a stall right now and I believe the US administration will try to get the talks moving again. More than likely, talked about will be removing the IRGC from the terrorist list.
Israel will have to make decisions here. The question will be will Israel stay its sovereignty or will it give into the Biden administration.
Al Jazeera journalist who was caught in the middle of a gun battle between a group of terrorists within the West Bank and Israel's military, has died of a gunshot wound. The Palestinians want to blame Israel and wants to go so far as to take this to the ICC which is the International Criminal Court which is run by the UN. This is seen as an attempt to build general consensus as to further the cause of the PA.
The Biden administration will support the ICC if Israel doesn’t go along with their decision to appease the Palestinians. A form of manipulation, Again, more pressure on Israel.
The Palestinians demand that East Jerusalem to be their capital. Even though this area was won by Israel in the 1967 war which Jordan, Egypt, and Syria all tried to take land away from Israel, Israel won the battle. Israel winning the area of the Golan Heights, Sinai area in Egypt and what today is known as parts of the West Bank.
This again will bring pressure on Israel to maintain its sovereignty and stand up to these people or give into the US wants.
Within land that Israel won in the 67 war Israel is wanting to build homes for the Israeli people. Arabs that have become citizens, included.
However, and again, we have the Palestiniand's the PA or Palestinian Authority run by Mahmoud Abbas that has strongly objected to this, what they call a land grab, and is wanting America to do something about it in turn America will again put pressure on Israel to change its ways and give into the Palestinian Authority. Again, Israel will have to make up its mind will it stand its ground or will it give into the United States pressure.
If Israel stays the course as in the past not bowing to the Biden administration, Biden may very well try to enforce it’s will on Israel. By understanding bible prophecy, America will see this bring about great condemnation upon themselves. This is end time prophecy. I don't know for sure where America is in prophecy but I can see where it's headed.
I hope Israel’s wonky government will stand for Israeli sovereignty over the land that they won fairly—and that was given to them by God Himself.
Hello Russ,I found you on YouTube and wanted to pass my thoughts back to you after I saw your headline from you latest YouTube video that you made. Wouldn't the Tribulation start this year? It's a Jubilee year and the answer is right in your headline that you created that being..Daniel "9:27" ...Or September the 27th of 2022. Get it? 9/27. That date is the start the Jewish Civil year, and 10 days later is Yom Kippur, the day to announce the Jubilee year. I hear that the Lord will come on a Jubilee year, and only on a Jubilee year, ancient rabbis taught that for centuries and Israel's rabbi's today seem to concur due to it being the ye…
In the end Israel will stand alone and prophecy tells us this. Thus we can assume exactly where America will go. Whether it is Babylon of Rev. 18 and have to suffer a national judgment or suffer a corporate global judgment I do not know, but its fall is becoming more obvious with each passing day. I think we can deduct that Israel will reject any two state solution.