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Future time management of our study of eschatology. What will happen next? Revelation 13

Writer's picture: RossRoss

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Future time management of our study of eschatology. God foretold what is going to happen, what will happen but has not happened yet, this is useful as to guiding us.

Let's jump into the future using scripture to better understand what’s happening now.

According to Scripture there comes a time when this whole world becomes so chaotic, so out of control that there needs to be someone to step in, sort things out, putting all back into control again. And when I say chaotic to all, I mean the whole world.

We now have to have an understanding what will cause this cataclysmic event, it's called the rapture for those that are dead and the harpazo so for those alive, along with what we understand will be the Jews God coming out of his place (Micah 1:3) and setting the stage for Israel to begin sacrificing, this done by God clearing the land of Israel from all it’s surrounding enemies. This action of God seen in Psalm 83 and is followed up, supported with many other scriptures as we have been studying them for the last several months.

This is truly a divine intervention of God.

Note: Some Scripture will be paraphrased and may be only a part of the Scripture. I require some reading on your own as this is a specific study.

Now let's jump into the future.

Revelation 13:1, and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw the beast rise up out of the sea. This is understood by most to be a man, who would today be alive and doing well but we don't know who this is, as of yet.

Revelation 13:4 and they (the people being led by the first beast) worshiped the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast saying, who is like unto the beast, who was able to make war with him. This Scripture tells us he is of great power that no one on this earth could or will challenge, he is superior to all worldly powers.

Revelation 13:5, and power was given unto him to continue for 3 1/2 years. Just so it’s clear I repeat, where he gets his power from, verse 2, and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Summarize, a great power, a principality of powers by rulers of darkness, a spiritual wickedness from high places has now (remember this is future) shown up on the scene, seen by the world and he makes a declaration as to enforce a covenant with the Jews for seven years. This seen in Daniel 9:27. However please note and this is important, Satan gives him his power for only 3 1/2 years. Another study coming soon.

Now let's take a look at what he will be doing and to who he will be dictating. Revelation 13:6, and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blasphemy his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Verse 7, and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindred, and tongues, and nations. Verse 8, and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him. Verse 9, here were given a stern warning, if any man have an ear let him hear.

Summarize, in the future, and after a great huge something that happens, a person shows up and takes complete control for 3 1/2 years.

As we have been studying Scripture of and–time we are seeing that in the very near future this cataclysmic event is at our threshold and is understood of what some might call this action of God being a war, it's more an action of God only. Know this is going to happen, remember this future event the church will not be here during this time.

Also knowing this should help us understand what is happening now and where Israel is going, so let's watch and listen as we begin to see Israel actions match scripture. More on this as we go.

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3 commentaires

Diane Bergschneider
Diane Bergschneider
15 avr. 2024

Blessings to you, Ross, for your unfailing and encouraging words taught straight from the scriptures. Having ears to hear and eyes to see in the Word, makes me feel so comforted in these chaotic end times. God is NOT slack as man thinks and determines. He has had this all planned from the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, such a wise and loving Father we have. 💕

Laurie Nordin
Laurie Nordin
15 avr. 2024
En réponse à

Amen! & Amen!


15 avr. 2024

God bless you for your calm and levelheaded approach to the Scriptures. There is so much sensationalism going on even in the Christian community which only brings anxiety. I appreciate that you encourage your viewers to study the Scriptures for themselves. Now is certainly not the time for Christians to be lackadaisical. Many thanks and prayers from your NH neighbor. 🙏

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